261. 261.
Felt sick yesterday and didn't work out. I felt better this morning and cranked through a 20 minute fitness blast that included 5 sets of 20 snatches. Not sure if that'll help or hurt my efforts to fight off the nasty cold/flu that seems to be going around, but I feel a little better for having done it.
The reality of being fat, fifty-something, and unemployed (or soon to be unemployed) is sinking in, and it has me feeling badly. I've only eliminated, or had people I care about eliminate, potential next "careers" (I really only want paying work, a series of deadend jobs would do it). And I haven't even layered in the job market reality check.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tipping Point?

259. My kettlebell workouts are going well--I'm stronger and fitter cardiovascularly than when I started working with kettlebells and it is encouraging. The bodyweight stuff--push-ups being a key test--have shown less improvement because even though I am stronger, my weight hasn't come down. I think 10 pounds would make a big difference. My running has been inconsistent and will remain so until spring, when the weather is more condusive.
I'm thinking of adding a rowing machine to the mix but I'm not sure if I'm considering this because it will improve my fitness or because it would annoy my downstairs neighbor, who is a pain in the ass.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Back to Reality
262. I need to go back to work today, after a very nice break. I'm not enthusiastic.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Couple of Challenging....

.....but moderate (in duration, anyway) workouts over the past couple of days:
1. A toxic mix of 30 second intervals, including: push-ups, planks, and kettlebell swings, squats, snatches, cleans, presses, and rows. For 10 minues. Times 3. That was yesterday.
2. Just swing, baby. Kettlebell single arm swings. 600 of 'em. In 100 repetition sets, with a 30 second recovery. Changed hands every 10 reps. Under 20 minutes for the total workout. HR in aerobic range, banging on the anaerobic threshold, thoughout (my average was 114--includes rest interval--and my highest reading was 135. Cathy's numbers were 131/146). The limiting factor is muscular, though, not cardiovascular. I used my 20 kg bell, Cathy used 12 kg. That was this morning.
My hands are a bit beat up. Tomorrow, I'll TGU--it's easier on the hands. I'll be ready to snatch again on Tuesday.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Moderation be Damned
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Open Letter to Anthony Bourdain

Brief background: Anthony Bourdain, and No Reservations, is coming to Portland. He'll visit 4 restaurants here before heading up the coast to Rockland to visit 2 places there.
Dear No Reservations:
Thrilled that you are coming to Portland, I'm a big fan! Here are my suggestions:
Portland is a peninsula, stay on it*. Any direction but west, you'll be in the water. And west is home to inbreeding and chrystal methamphetamine factories (if these things appeal--you'll have opportunity in Rockland). Stay at the Regency. Get up early, and have breakfast at Becky's, on Portland's working waterfront. It opens at 4, the fishermen will be waiting outside before then. Get there in time to get a seat, and have a hearty, traditional New England breakfast. Walk off your breakfast with a tour of the Arts District and the West End.
For lunch, honor Maine's Franco-American heritage with the Poutine at Duckfat, except I think Rachael Ray did that when she was in town (this would help explain her burgeoning back porch), so you might want to go next door to Norm's, for a pulled port sandwich and some slaw. Wash either lunch down with a local brew, like Geary's HSA or Peak Organic IPA. Both terrific!
The evening meal should start with a warm-up: J's Oyster Bar, for oysters, of course, and a Shipyard Old Thumper. Then off to Fore Street. Have the mussels, and the pork loin, and some locally grown vegetables. Don't trick it up with anything else. Drink the Allagash 4--it leans a little malty and sweet, but it's spectacular, and it works with the pork and the mussels. After dinner, off to
Novare Res. Some framboise would work at this point. Then stumble back to the Regency for a cognac at the bar before calling it a night.
As a hangover cure, get up (that's the first step) and over to India Street for the Alonzo Double Dark at Coffee by Design. Have a second mug, and a third. Now you're ready: walk the East End trail to the beach. It gets harder now: walk up the backside of Munjoy Hill--straight up. Breath deeply. Head down Congress Street but stop for brunch at your final Portland venue: the Front Room. hair of the dog might help. A bloody mary works well with the steak and eggs.
That's it (with apologies to too many to mention). What, no lobster? Get that in Rockland, and be careful getting there. When you hear the banjo music, speed up.
* Two exceptions to the "don't leave the peninsula" rule: the Great Lost Bear, a world class beer bar, and the Frog and Turtle, in near by Westbrook.
I Don't Travel Well

I've had 3 cheeseburgers in the last 48 hours. I don't need another one for months. This excessive cheeseburger consumption is not moderate behaviour.
I don't normally drive much. My commute to work is 4 miles (1 way). I walk sometimes but I generally drive to and from. Beyond that, I use the beetle to run some errands, and some weekends go by when I don't drive at all. So teh 450 mile roundtrip to pick up Sam from school is a bit of a shock, and my only cheeseburger rationalization.
It's nice having him home though.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Shopping
261. I spent a lot of the day Christmas shopping yesterday, not wanting to wait until the last minute. Walking around the Old Port with temptations everywhere I used incredible self-disciplne and didn't stop off for a beer. I opted for a cupcake, a cookie, and a cranberry bar instead. The weigh-in is a little disappointing: it was a 2 workout day (both 20 minutes--very moderate). I did drink some beer (the 90 minute IPA, maybe the best beer in the world) and wine at the end of the day.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What is Moderation?
260. I had a donut yesterday. The best donut in the world: a maple-bacon donut freshly made by the French Press Eatery in Westbrook. I was there with daughter Kim, who had been in a fender-bender (she was unhurt). I was there to help her but the fact is she doesn't really need my help, she's all grown up, working on a second graduate degree, and in many ways more mature than I am. I bought her a cup of coffee, though.
A donut, like tequila, can never be moderate. Neither can a marathon(or anything longer than a marathon), and the required training.
What are other things that defy moderation?
A donut, like tequila, can never be moderate. Neither can a marathon(or anything longer than a marathon), and the required training.
What are other things that defy moderation?
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Tough Stretch
263. Yesterday and today are designated "no booze" days. I've noticed that I get an urge to eat sweet things when I don't drink. Strange. My body craving the calories normally found in malt/hops?
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Good Day Until....
......the late night run to the Circle KY for a sandwich and chip fix. 263. Also, truth be told there was Tequila involved. Tequila is one of those things, like donuts and gooey desserts, that can never be moderate.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Weekend

Friday, December 18, 2009

259. Thank the gods for the Circle KY. Woke up with a hangover and no coffee in the house. Ibuprofen is gradually taking the edge off the hangover, and the short brisk (it's really effing cold out there, 3 or 5 or something) walk to the Circle KY resulted in a 20 oz cup of potable coffee and a slice of some kind of breakfast pizza.
I had an incredible meal last night at Fore Street: chicken livers and mussels; brussel sprouts; garlic mashed potato; and hanger steak. I also drank well: the Allagash 4; some beautiful, full bodied Italian red, and a cognac for dessert. Then we went for after dinner drinks (the Victory Hop Devil for me). This is where it starts getting murky, and immoderate.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
This Is Really Hard
263. And I didn't drink any alcohol, had 2 good workouts, got a good night sleep, and gennerally had a day that a Mormon would be proud of. And I gained a pound. Damn! I guess I ate too much.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

262. Damn! Somewhat predictable, though.
I returned to Ruski's last night. When I previously lived on te West End my place was a short city block from Ruski's, and I went there fairly often. I wasn't a regular--some whole weekends went by when I only went in twice--but I was familiar with the place. This was my first trip since I've moved back to the West End. I ate and drank moderately enough: two HSAs and a glass of red to wash down a bowl of white bean soup and a westender sandwich with a side of slaw. But I didn't run (the waddle thing I do that I call running) yesterday. I guess that accounts for the weight gain. The 4 cookies I had during the day probably didn't help either.
But it was nice to re-connect with Ruski's.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Yeah, Baby!
259. Just planning moderation works. I did drink yesterday: 3 Victory Hop Devils, a Celebration Ale, and a Marshall Wharf Tug. Too much. All delicious. But I ate moderately, did a 20 minute fitness blast in the morning and a 20 minute treadmill run (using the term loosely) at the end of the day. Those factors combined for a 4 pound weight loss.
Can I stay below 260 forever?
Can I stay below 260 forever?
Monday, December 14, 2009
263. I guess starting the day off with cheese cake wasn't consistent with moderation guidelines. My dinner, leftover artichoke dip, sausage, meatballs, juice, and cookies was above the moderation threshold also. So I gained a pound despite abstaining completely from alcohol. Damn!
My exercise was moderate, though.
My exercise was moderate, though.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I'm Too Big and Fat
I weigh 50 pounds more than I did just a few years ago. I'm in my mid-fifties. If I don't lose my weight soon I never will. I don't like being a fat boy. I've tried euphemisms, like describing my beer belly as a "posture issue". But I'm desperate now. I'm going to try something I've never tried before: moderation. This blog will track and document my attempt at this new concept.
It's December 13. I weigh 262 pounds. I'm not going to drink alcohol today. I've had a breakfast that pushed the moderation envelope: a kind of big piece of cheese cake, followed by a small piece of cheese cake. Washed down with black coffee.
It's December 13. I weigh 262 pounds. I'm not going to drink alcohol today. I've had a breakfast that pushed the moderation envelope: a kind of big piece of cheese cake, followed by a small piece of cheese cake. Washed down with black coffee.
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