Monday, December 14, 2009


263. I guess starting the day off with cheese cake wasn't consistent with moderation guidelines. My dinner, leftover artichoke dip, sausage, meatballs, juice, and cookies was above the moderation threshold also. So I gained a pound despite abstaining completely from alcohol. Damn!

My exercise was moderate, though.


  1. Pete, why don't you shift from moderation to evaluation. Cheese cake should never be on the menu. Never. Breakfast? Don't need it. Coffee and juice has served me well for 35 years, it ought to be enough for anyone. Alcohol? From my experience abstinence is painful and moderation is impossible. Better switch to a drug that makes you feel big and bold while actually controlling your weight. See: Crystal Meth. See: Cocaine. I hope I've helped you down the path to weight loss, but I'm not doing so well myself these days.....See: Alcohol. See: Lack of exercise.

  2. Is it possible to use Crystal Meth in moderation? I have visions of being tracked down by Dog the Bounty Hunter.

  3. Hey, Petey, boy, my exercise is usually in moderation too!
